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How to set up a homework station for kids

How to Create an Inviting Homework Station for Kids

As with any space, creating an organized and inviting area to tackle tasks, such as homework, is key for kids. I love to think that it’s a great starting point for staying organized through life, that good habits start early and that making it fun goes a long way to making kids work hard too.

To create a homework station in your own home, you really only need a few basic things:

  1. A table or desk
  2. A chair
  3. Some type of light (either natural or a lamp)
  4. Basic supplies (pens, scissors, tape, etc)

For younger kids, I think it’s a great idea to also have a cozy spot nearby to read too.

Reading is an excellent way to teach kids about stories and topics that they are not routinely exposed to in daily life all the way from birth – and helps encourage the imagination. For us, our only homework for kindergarten was to read to our kids.

It is important to remember that ergonomics are key for all ages. When choosing a desk and a chair, make sure that the child fits correctly with feet flat on the floor and knees at a 90-degree angle. The desk surface should be 2-3 inches above their elbow when bent.

I always recommend a workspace with natural light, if possible, as looking out a window is helpful to rest little eyes as well as enhance productivity. If this is not possible, a task lamp works well too.

Keeping basic supplies handy ensures the child can focus on the task at hand. We like to keep supplies minimal and tidy, such as a pencil, pens, stapler, tape, scissors and paper clips and add in any other supplies when they are needed for the homework.

I also love to keep a few books and toys nearby for those frustrating moments when everyone needs a break. It’s a great time to connect with your child and reset their minds as well as yours!

The final touch is adding a few fun pieces like inspirational quotes, art, and even a plant. Using little extras like a chalkboard or pushpin board is a great way to keep key reminders close at hand.

Setting up an ergonomic environment, with comfortable surroundings and inspiring extras helps to make the space feel cozy and inviting, and will hopefully encourage children (and you!) to enjoy homework time as much as possible.