Australian Christmas Tradition: Singing Six White Boomers!
Can you imagine looking up into the sky and seeing kangaroos pulling Santa’s sleigh? No? Perhaps you could if you lived in Australia and it was really hot on December 25th.

A Christmas song, “Six White Boomers,” tells the story of how the Australian heat is too much for Santa’s reindeer. The song, popular with school-aged kids, explains that Santa’s reindeer get a rest while six white boomers (boomer is Aussie slang for a male kangaroo) lead Santa’s sleigh through Australia! After all the toys are delivered, they even help a little joey (a baby kangaroo) find his mommy.
The Australian heat has inspired not only a Christmas song but also many of the holiday’s traditions. Christmas day dinner is typically cold meat, salad and a seafood selection, and the day is often spent playing sports such as cricket in the backyard and going for a swim.
While those in the Northern Hemisphere think of Christmas carolers all bundled up, people in Australia sing in the warm night air. If you are in Melbourne, you can even attend a famous outdoor concert on Christmas Eve–Carols by Candlelight at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
Do you and your family want to sing along? Check out the lyrics to Six White Boomers below!
Six White Boomers Song Lyrics
Early on one Christmas Day, a Joey Kanga-roo,
Was far from home and lost in a great big zoo.
Mummy, where’s my mummy? They’ve taken her a-way.
We’ll help you find your mummy, son. Hop up on the sleigh.
Up beside the bag of toys little Joey hopped,
But they hadn’t gone far when Santa stopped.
Unharnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why,
Then he heard a far off booming in the sky.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six white boomers, snow white boomers,
On his Australian run.
Pretty soon old Santa began to feel the heat,
Took his fur-lined boots off to cool his feet,
Into one popped Joey, feeling quite okay,
While those old man kangaroos kept pulling on the sleigh.
Repeat Chorus
Joey said to Santa, Santa, what about the toys?
Aren’t you giving some to these girls and boys?
They’ve got all their presents, son, we were here last night,
This trip is an extra trip, Joey’s special flight.
Repeat Chorus
Soon the sleigh was flashing past, right over Marble Bar,
Slow down there, cried Santa, it can’t be far,
Come up on my lap here, son, and have a look around.
There she is, that’s Mummy, bounding up and down.
Repeat Chorus
Well that’s the bestest Christmas treat that Joey ever had,
Curled up in mother’s pouch feeling snug and glad.
The last they saw was Santa heading northwards from the sun,
The only year the boomers worked a double run.
Repeat Chorus