Hands-on Holiday Fun
These easy-to-make ornaments cost little, but are sure to deliver big smiles. They can be given as thoughtful homemade gifts, or used as unique present toppers or holiday party favors.
Together Time
Meaningful Maps
Mason jar lid rings
Maps of favorite places
Craft glue
Puffy paint, red permanent marker, or stickers
Step one: Place a lid over the city or landmark you’d like to spotlight in the ornament, and trace around the lid with a pencil.
Step two: Cut out the circle along the pencil line and set it aside.
Step three: Tie a loop of twine around the lid ring, so it’s long enough to hang on a branch or hook.
Step four: Place glue along the very edge of the front of your map circle, and secure it inside the lip of your lid with the twine loop pulled taut.
Step five: Use puffy paint or a red permanent marker to circle a favorite location, or draw a heart on it or an arrow pointing to it. You can also use heart or star stickers to mark the spot.
Step six: Give the custom ornament to someone who has a special connection to that place.

Pom-pom Pine Cones
Pine cones
Small multicolored pom-poms (ones with glittery threads are especially festive)
Craft glue
Twine, raffia, or ribbon
Step one: Glue pom-poms between the scales of a pine cone.
Step two: Loop a length of twine, raffia, or ribbon under the scales at the widest part of the pine cone and tie to secure. Tie the remaining length in a bow, leaving an open loop for hanging.
Step three: Repeat for each pine cone.
Merry Mice
Sheets of gray, pink, and black felt
Tiny poms-poms (optional), including black and pink
Fabric glue
Candy canes
Step one: On a piece of felt, use a piece of chalk to draw a small teardrop shape (about 3 ½ inches long and about 2 ½ inches at widest point) for the mouse’s body and two smaller teardrop shapes (about 2 inches long and 1 ½ inches at widest point) for the mouse’s outer ears. Cut out.
Step two: On a contrasting color of felt, use a piece of chalk to draw two smaller teardrop shapes (about 1 inch long and ¾ inch at widest point) for the mouse’s inner ears. Cut out. (Tip: Use the body, outer ear, and inner ear pieces as a template for the rest of the mice you will be making. Do this before assembling and gluing.)
Step three: Glue the outer ears about 1 ½ inches behind the tip of the mouse’s nose, then glue the inner ears on top..
Step four: Cut two tiny circles out of black felt for the eyes, or use two tiny black pom-poms. Glue halfway between the ears and the tip of the nose.
Step five: Cut a tiny circle out of pink felt for the nose, or use a tiny pink pom-pom. Glue to the tip of the nose.
Step six: A bit behind the ears, cut two parallel ½-inch wide notches about ¼ inch apart.
Step seven: Thread a candy cane through the notches.
Step eight: Repeat for each mouse.
Don’t forget to share your creations with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #LittlePassports. We’d love to see what you make!