Easy Homemade Bird Feeder Craft
For a fun activity to do with the kids this summer, make gelatin bird feeders to hang outside. The kids can take notes on the different birds in your area that come to feed on them!
These can be made out of birdseed and peanut butter, corn syrup, or unflavored gelatin. We chose gelatin to minimize the attraction to insects in our area.
½ c. boiling water
2 packets unflavored gelatin
1 ½ c. birdseed
Cookie cutters
Straws cut into 2” segments
Parchment paper
Baking sheet

Add the two gelatin packets to ½ c. boiling water and whisk until dissolved.
Stir in the birdseed.
Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and place cookie cutters on top. Spoon birdseed mixture into cookie cutters. Add a straw and press down. This will create an opening for the string when the birdseed has dried. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
Carefully pop each birdseed shape out of the cookie cutters and let dry on the counter for a few more hours (or overnight).
Attach a string through the hole and attach to a tree. Watch and wait for a few hours, and you’ll see birds come to nibble!
We have robins, finches, blackbirds, hummingbirds, and blue jays in our area. What birds are local in your area?