Why Teachers Love Little Passports!
Here at Little Passports we love teachers, and they love us back. Many teachers reach out to tell us about how they use Little Passports in their classroom to help kids learn about different countries through our World Edition.
Today, we’re honoring our friend Ms. Angie, who has just been honored as District Teacher of the Year for the Nash-Rocky-Mount Public School District in North Carolina! We asked her to share with us how she uses Little Passports with her students.
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Little Passports: How did you introduce Little Passports to your classroom?
Ms. Angie: I told my kids that we received a special package, and we talked about what might be inside. We studied the map, and not only did we do all of the activities in the suitcase, but also the activities online! Afterwards, we had fun predicting what country would be next.
LP: How did the kids react to Little Passports?
Ms. Angie: The kids LOVED Little Passports! They all wanted to take it home. They loved talking about where they want to travel, and what they would discover. I am hoping we have a lot of future travelers in the classroom! In fact, three children in the photos have real passports now.
LP: Can you share one in-class moment that highlights the benefits of using Little Passports?
Ms. Angie: The kids especially love seeing where the characters in their favorite stories/movies are from. The girls are waiting for Norway or another Scandinavian country so that we can talk more about Frozen! They also like seeing where their families are from or have traveled to, and where current events are happening. One little boy in the photos is in Mexico now, so they like being able to locate where he is. We also used Little Passports to help decide on which countries to feature in our Adobe Voice creations on candy, bridges, castles, etc. around the world (similar to Mix in AFAR magazine). One child said, ”They are all so pretty. I can’t decide!” Some items will be featured in displays set up for next week’s Culture Days. Little Passports helps children envision a larger world and acknowledge their connection to it!
LP: Thank you for sharing Ms. Angie, we hope your classroom continues to grow and prosper!
Teachers love Little Passports! If you’ve had a great experience or think you could help us make the World Edition even better for teachers, please comment below and let us know!